Syndicated Student Work

Month May 2021

Defining Types of Data Site Title

Let’s dive into various types of data in the nursing world and where each type perhaps is a best fit. What is it? Electronic medical/health records (EMR/EHR) are essentially digital versions of paper patient records in healthcare settings. Nursing considerations EMR/EHR is the most versatile and useful system as it could be beneficial across theContinue reading “Defining Types of Data”

Defining Types of Data – Informatics/eHealth Systems Jessica's Nursing Informatics Blog

EMR/EHR – Electronic Medical/Health Records Electronic medical or health records are an online digital version of your typical paper chart. It contains the standard medical and clinical data from a physician’s office or health care system. (Quatris Healthco, n.d.). This includes things like your medical history, diagnoses, medications, immunization dates, allergies, lab results, tests, treatmentsContinue reading “Defining Types of Data – Informatics/eHealth Systems”

Introduction to Nursing Informatics Jessica's Nursing Informatics Blog

Informatics Upon starting this course, I had no idea what nursing informatics meant. I had to do a bit of reading before I was finally like “ah-ha! I get it!”. I had to start by breaking the two terms up. The term informatics can be traced back to 1957 when the words “information” and “automatic”Continue reading “Introduction to Nursing Informatics”

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