Syndicated Student Work

Month July 2020

Module 8: Professionalism Britt's Blog

After watching the video, my initial reaction was that the punishment for Doyle was an overreaction.  That being said, I don’t agree with her actions in taking and sharing the photo on social media.  I think this kind of behaviour is unprofessional and should be reprimanded to some degree.  One thought would be for the … Continue reading Module 8: Professionalism

Professionalism & Social Media Nurse Melissa

Throughout nursing school you learn about professionalism. You are taught to be professional within your career as well as in your personal life. Nurses are accountable for all of their own actions (CNO, 2018). Accountability is one of the main professional practice standards set by the College of Nurses (CNO, 2018). In nursing school as … Continue reading Professionalism & Social Media

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