As COVID-19 impacted all of our lives so has this amazing course impacted my perspective of nursing and the exciting future ahead of us through and in emerging trends in informatics. In this spirit, the global pandemic has highlighted for me a major shortfall – succession planning. Many of us have seen a recent pollContinue reading “Nursing Informatics Reflection”
It’s almost hard to believe but a focus on the genetic composition of a patient in terms of their treatment and recovery is not as far away as we think. In 2014 the American Nurses Association actually added the concept genetics/genomics to their Nursing Informatics: Scope and Standard of Practice (McCormick & Calzone, 2016). TheseContinue reading “Genetics: A ‘Refocus’ on Client Care”
As social media and health apps have become ubiquitous and almost indispensable part ofdaily life among nurses, there has been confusion regarding the ethical, professional and legal implications of their online behaviour (Zhu et al., 2021). As much has changed in the information technology and health landscape since 2002, the year the College of Nurses (CNO) last updated their ProfessionalContinue reading “Professional Standards – 2021 Reboot”
The unfortunate case of a Kansas based and final year nursing student name Doyle Byrnes provides a sober snapshot of the paramount importance of professionalism when working in a highly interconnected, social media driven world. In short, this case proves the terrifying reality that one picture shared online can significantly impact someone’s life and career.Continue reading “Professionalism”
Living through this pandemic has made it quite evident that access to healthcare has shifted and the availability of online services has become more present. From my perspective, I see the benefits of having immediate access to one’s healthcare needs. Banerjee et al. (2020) discussed the connection between the pandemic and suicide rates and thatContinue reading “Avenues of Health Information”
The reality that “healthcare is everywhere” could not have become more apparent during the emergence and global grip of COVID 19. The pandemic united billions in health insecurity, and led to an increase in mental health difficulties, mental illness and decreased well-being, impacting just about every aspect of our lives (Ivbijaro, Brooks, Kolkiewicz, Sunkel &Continue reading “Healthcare Could be Said to Exist ‘Everywhere’”
Let’s dive into various types of data in the nursing world and where each type perhaps is a best fit. What is it? Electronic medical/health records (EMR/EHR) are essentially digital versions of paper patient records in healthcare settings. Nursing considerations EMR/EHR is the most versatile and useful system as it could be beneficial across theContinue reading “Defining Types of Data”
EMR/EHR – Electronic Medical/Health Records Electronic medical or health records are an online digital version of your typical paper chart. It contains the standard medical and clinical data from a physician’s office or health care system. (Quatris Healthco, n.d.). This includes things like your medical history, diagnoses, medications, immunization dates, allergies, lab results, tests, treatmentsContinue reading “Defining Types of Data – Informatics/eHealth Systems”
Informatics Upon starting this course, I had no idea what nursing informatics meant. I had to do a bit of reading before I was finally like “ah-ha! I get it!”. I had to start by breaking the two terms up. The term informatics can be traced back to 1957 when the words “information” and “automatic”Continue reading “Introduction to Nursing Informatics”
Recently with the pandemic healthcare has taken a different approach to in person treatments whether it is at a doctors office, massage therapist or dentist. Zoom type calls and actual phone calls have become the new norm. In a recent article from CBC Health (2020) discussion on patient satisfaction with phone calls by phone orContinue reading “Personalized healthcare; dream or reality?”
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