Nursing Informatics

Syndicated Student Work

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Make social media work for you! Crazy Karyn's Blog

Learning Objective To learn how each social media app works Identify the top sites for the best information Learn how to identify reputable peer reviewed sources Relevance and Importance Your health is important to not just get your information from just anyone There are a lot of sources on this networking sites that are notContinue reading “Make social media work for you!”

Module 10: Future Directions Britt's Blog

This week I decided to discuss some future directions that I have found during my research for this course.  I have found some interesting information about the future of technology in healthcare while researching for my thesis paper.  The future of healthcare is looking very bright, one specific prediction is the use of mobile devices … Continue reading Module 10: Future Directions

Professionalism 101 Nurse Nikita

For this week, we’re going to talk about what it means to be professional and more importantly, how can we maintain our professionalism over social media. Accountability in nursing means that nurses own up to their mistakes, and claim responsibility for their actions (College of Nurses of Ontario [CNO], 2018). Some things the nurse and […]

The Case of Doyle Byrnes Nurse Nikita

Week 8 Professionalism As a healthcare provider, everything we post in our social media requires us to think about whether we are representing our profession appropriately, and whether what we are posting is going to break patient confidentiality. In this post, we discuss the Case of Doyle Byrnes. Doyle is known as the girl who […]

Module 9: Professionalism Britt's Blog

For this weeks creative discussion post I decided to revamp the seven professional standards described by The College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) and adapt them to focus on nursing informatics. I used a similar template as the CNO used to highlight these standards. My goal was to create a handout that could be distributed … Continue reading Module 9: Professionalism

Personalized Healthcare Tawnya's Nursing Informatics Discussion Blog

Week 10 Discussion What would be considered a ‘clinical best-practice guideline’ in this new personalized healthcare world?  Would they exist? A clinical best practice guideline in a personalized healthcare system would be created through collaborative efforts, including individuals other than healthcare professionals. There would be a shared responsibility between patient and healthcare provider for trackingContinue reading “Personalized Healthcare”

Personalized Healthcare Tawnya's Nursing Informatics Discussion Blog

Week 10 Discussion What would be considered a ‘clinical best-practice guideline’ in this new personalized healthcare world?  Would they exist? A clinical best practice guideline in a personalized healthcare system would be created through collaborative efforts, including individuals other than healthcare professionals. There would be a shared responsibility between patient and healthcare provider for trackingContinue reading “Personalized Healthcare”

CNO’s Professional Standards: Considering Informatics Influence on Nursing Practice Tawnya's Nursing Informatics Discussion Blog

Week 9 Discussion

Nursing Informatics Professional Standards Nurse Melissa

Let’s talk about professionalism in regards to informatics and nursing.  The College of Nurses has a practice standard that outlines the seven key competencies of professionalism within Nursing. The standards are based on the expectations of professional nursing practice in all areas of nursing (CNO, 2018). But when reading through the document professionalism regarding nursing … Continue reading Nursing Informatics Professional Standards

Module 8: Professionalism Britt's Blog

After watching the video, my initial reaction was that the punishment for Doyle was an overreaction.  That being said, I don’t agree with her actions in taking and sharing the photo on social media.  I think this kind of behaviour is unprofessional and should be reprimanded to some degree.  One thought would be for the … Continue reading Module 8: Professionalism

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