Syndicated Student Work

Month June 2020

Decision Making Using Informatics/eHealth Systems Tawnya's Nursing Informatics Discussion Blog

Week 5 Discussion Noticing: Upon my initial assessment of my patient had what I considered to be a lower blood pressure of 94/55. The patient’s other vital signs were stable with a heart rate of 77, Sp02 97% on room air and temperature 36.7. I was also aware of the patient’s medical history which includedContinue reading “Decision Making Using Informatics/eHealth Systems”

“Healthcare Occurs Everywhere” Nurse Melissa

We live in a time where we have easy access to technology that supports healthcare. My current cell phone comes with the health app, which allows people to track things like their activity, health records, and vitals. The app even comes with a spot where you can record your “medical Id”, that if someone found … Continue reading “Healthcare Occurs Everywhere”

Google MD: Do Our Patients Know More Than We Do? Nurse Nikita

Have you ever had a frontal headache that you Googled what that means and turns out you had brain cancer? Or when you thought you had a deep vein thrombosis in your leg because Google told you that’s what a leg cramp means? How about when you heard that COVID-19 can be killed in both […]

Computerized Patient Information Systems (Week 4, Part 2) Nurse Nikita

Today (even though it’s a little late!), I’m going to review an article on Computerized Patient Information Systems (CPIS) and offer suggestions or alternatives. Deconstruction Darbyshire conducted a study to gain a better understanding of the experiences and perceptions that nurses and midwives had while using computerized patient information systems (CPIS) as well as investigate […]

Workflow at a Community Health Centre & Article Review Nurse Melissa

I work as a primary care nurse in a community health centre. I work alongside physicians and nurse practitioners.  The environment I work in is like a typical family physicians office, with exam rooms, procedure rooms and offices. When I provide medication to patients, it is typically vaccines or injections. I care for patients of … Continue reading Workflow at a Community Health Centre & Article Review

Workflow at a Community Health Centre & Article Review Nurse Melissa

I work as a primary care nurse in a community health centre. I work alongside physicians and nurse practitioners.  The environment I work in is like a typical family physicians office, with exam rooms, procedure rooms and offices. When I provide medication to patients, it is typically vaccines or injections. I care for patients of … Continue reading Workflow at a Community Health Centre & Article Review

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